Thursday, April 14, 2011

Brief Interruption

I apologize for this interruption in my Haiti reflections but I'm returning to topic for a moment. Namely, I've gotta talk about nature photography. Please bear with me.

As I write this it is Thursday April 14. Tomorrow is the start of 2011's Shoot The Hills photo competition. I am registered. My memory cards are formatted, my batteries are charged. I've cleaned the schmutz off my lenses and filters. And I AM READY TO GO!

I've blogged about STH before (here in January 2011 where I used the word 'incredible' three times)) and there's a link to the contest's website on the right.  I just can't say enough about it.

To briefly recap why this photo contest gets me excited: it's not like other contests. At STH, all contestants start in the same place at the same time and have 24 hours to go out and capture an image from anywhere inside the Hocking Hills region of southern Ohio. This means it's a completely level playing field. We all have the same weather, the same lighting, the same early spring flora, fauna and terrain. As Fezzik said in The Princess Bride, "We face each other as God intended. Sportsmanlike. No tricks. No weapons. Skill against skill alone." (OK, so Fezzik was talking about a fight to the death with Westley and I'm talking about photographing birds and flowers, but it's the same idea...) (And I found the relevant clip here...)

The weather forecast for tomorrow and Saturday is less than pleasant. There's a better than even chance we will have rain for most of the 24 hours. That's OK with me. I've done rainy day photo shoots before, including last year's STH (where I took two ribbons). I have a complete set of rain gear...which includes a special poncho for my no big deal. You just have to be looking for something to shoot using a different eye, a different perspective.

I'll try to post something tomorrow night from my motel. Provided, of course, that I don't exhaust myself looking for the perfect shot or fall off a cliff (I'll be careful about that, trust me. I'm the State Trauma Coordinator and I know exactly how far I'll be from a trauma center in weather where Med Flight won't fly).

Wish me luck!