Sunday, March 27, 2011

Haiti reflections, intro

I've now been back from Haiti for five days.  I was back to work for two of those.  But my head and my heart are still in Chantal.

It was an incredible experience.  We saw an extraordinary number of people - over 8,000 - who had no other access to basic medical care.  The people, both the Haitians and the rest of the team, were amazing.

I kept a diary on my trip but I can't really do justice to the trip by simply transcribing it here.  I was so tired at the end of each day that I only recorded events, not what I thought and felt.  I'll try to get those down here on the site.

1 comment:

  1. Tim, I hope you will be able to make it to our next medical mission trip to Chantal in November. The rusters are waiting for you! Your blog is amazing. Thanks for such a wonderful work! May God bless you my brother!
    Fr. Yves
