Sunday, November 1, 2015

A bit late...

So I finally finished posting my Haiti diary.  The trip was in the spring of 2011, so it's only 4 1/2 years late.  School got in the way (I took a quarter off to make the trip).  I guess I could make other excuses:

  • The sun was in my eyes;
  • There were locusts;
  • I had a doctor's appointment;
  • I was washing my hair;
  • I was dry cleaning my dogs;
  • I was washing the squirrels in the backyard;
  • I overslept;
  • I was trying to find a word that rhymes with 'orange';
  • The dogs ate my homework;
  • I got stuck on Level 10 of Angry Birds;
  • I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I finished eating the broccoli; 
  • I've been having flare-ups of my Cotard's Syndrome and think I'm dead.
So choose the one you like, it doesn't matter.

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