Sunday, November 1, 2015

Haiti Reflections: Day 8 - March 22

Sunrise from the Francois' rooftop patio

Up and fed at 0600.  Out the door to the airport at 0630.  Getting into the airport was not nearly as harrowing as getting out of it.  In fact, there was no chaos at all.  I hung out for a while with Bill, Woody and Juliet in the waiting area.  Bill and Woody were taking a different route back to Harrisburg than Juliet, so they left earlier.  Juliet and I flew to Miami on the same flight but weren’t seated near each other.  The flight was smooth and comfortable.

Juliet and I had a long lunch together as we both had long layovers.  We continued to decompress – something made easier by being on American soil, even if it was in an airport.  We had a lot of pleasant conversation that even included some trauma system shop talk.  After a couple of hours, we hugged and went to our respective gates.

The flight from Miami to Columbus was uneventful.  Since my flight time was changed and Shelagh was working, she arranged for our friends Alan and Louise picked me up at the airport.

As I was exiting the terminal, I caught a head-to-toe view of myself in the reflection of the glass doors.  I was quite a sight.  If you’re reading this, you know me and that I’ve never given a hoot about my appearance, but boy, was I rough around the edges!  Beard untrimmed for over a week, dirty hiking boots, uncoordinated shorts and t-shirt (which were only clean-ish), with my duffel bag and backpack, I was looking like a cross between ‘mountain man’ and ‘homeless.’  Alan and Louise let me get in their car anyway and mercifully took me home.

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